The Method
I work with a combination of direct coaching and specially designed writing exercises that will help you access things long buried in your subconscious mind that have been blocking you... until now.
The written work unlocks the unsaid like nothing else I’ve experienced; paired with coaching to process this and take action, the insights and resulting transformations come effortlessly and often.
You’ll start to see the word very differently and as your perspective shifts you’ll open up in the most beautiful and fulfilling ways.
Your behaviours and the beliefs behind them
Where they have contributed (positively or negatively) to your relationships
How to love, accept and forgive yourself
Learn how to:
Communicate your feelings, needs and desires in in a clear, direct way
Trust yourself and others
Develop healthy physical, energetic and spiritual boundaries
Connect with your intuition so you know what to do and when
Feel compassion for people without taking their words or actions personally
Healthy, loving relationships (with everyone in your life) and spine tingling intimacy
A nourishing self confidence
An increased capacity for joy, happiness and peace
The step by step guide to unfucking yourself and your relationships.
These are the ‘stepping stones’ to deep reinvention, one follows the other to lead you towards a new way of being.
— Step 1: Where are you now?
‘Making the unconscious conscious’
First, we need to get a clear view of you and your attitudes as they stand now, through the lens of beliefs, admissions, goals and boundaries.
— Step 2: WTF happened?
‘Look backwards, move forwards’
We’ll review your entire (!) relationship history in an amazingly simple format that sheds new light on what was really going on underneath it all.
— Step 3: Patterns, Patterns, Patterns
‘We’re meaning making machines’
We’ll go deep into identifying all of the patterns that are shaping your reality (there will be more than you think).
— Step 4: X-ray specs
‘We don’t see things they are, we see things as we are’
You’ll learn about the 9 core categories that our behavioural patterns fall into and finally see which ones have ruled your world.
— Step 5: Forgiveness
‘Not forgiving is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die’
We forgive to set ourselves free, not to absolve the other person.
I’ll show you how to let go of for the past for good, so that you can create a new future.
— Step 6: Creation
‘The moment you accept responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you gain the power to change anything in your life’
Now you know that you are the creator of your life experience, what do you want?! Design your intimate relationship exactly the way you want it and call it into your life experience. And while you're at it - anything and everything else your heart desires…